
Monday, November 18, 2013

Facebook WiFi, a project to improve access to the Internet from public places

Facebook WiFi, a project to improve access to the Internet from public places

The social network  Facebook  has an important area of innovation that is focusing its efforts on new projects that until now have remained secret. One that has come to light, following talks  Engadget  with the head of the mobile division of Facebook ,  Erik Tseng , is  Facebook WiFi . The bill would allow users to access  free WiFi  in public places by logging into  Facebook . It would, to put it simply, that the world's institutions and places offered to its customers an Internet connection to  access Facebook and the net in general . These, in turn, could get some kind of benefit.When connecting to the wireless network  WiFi  's local share user - through an automatic mechanism - its location.
Thus, apart from  logging on to the wireless network business , share your check-in with dozens of friends on Facebook . Clients of this program could increase its popularity and see real traffic increased. They would know also new information about the profile of those who visit, data that will be useful to focus its business strategy.
At present, the company is working with suppliers to carry out the project. The truth is that the advantage is twofold. On the one hand, service users will have the opportunity to access a wireless network  to connect to secured  Facebook, but perhaps also to access many areas of the Internet and download data. And all for free. On the other hand, clients may know more users and additional return, still studying, through campaigns. Something similar happened  with the check-ins  at places platform , integrated into the social network itself. Through this service and in return to make check-in  in one place, establishments like  Starbucks, El Corte Ingles  or  Sol Meliá  offering freebies and discounts on their products. Moreover, it is clear that the fact made ​​available to visitors  free Internet  is a claim with almost immediate effect. Why choose another cafe if this offers me coffee at the same price, but with  free WiFi ?
But this project is not new. Nothing is further from reality. Since  2012, Facebook  and the company CISCO  maintain an agreement that offer  free WiFi  in hotels, shops, restaurants and other businesses. The  routers  are fitted with a software  for  Facebook , so that when the user opens the browser is redirected to the social network to  enter your login data . Once this step, the client gets a free connection establishment to the  WiFi network .
And what about your application?, You ask. Well, right now  Facebook  has opened the  pilot project with CISCO  in 1,000 small and medium businesses  spread across a total of 50 countries . It is possible that an analysis of the pros and cons of this service / experience, Facebook  can apply - possibly with  CISCO  and perhaps other companies - across the board. We will see later.  'And you, you conectarías to WiFi

How do I change the date of a story in my bio?

How do I change the date of a story in my bio?

You can change the date of the stories of your timeline, including milestones, and photos and videos you post or you're in the labeling. In doing so, the stories will move to a new point in your life: To change the date of a story:
  1. Hover history and click  .
  2. Click  Change date .
  3. Write a new date and click on  Save
Note: if you tag your friends in a photo, a publication or enforcement activity, also have the option to change the date of this story when you see it in their biographies. You have the option to change it back.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to delete a Facebook account

Say goodbye to  Facebook  not a simple gesture. First, because in a way  Facebook  can be an inexhaustible source of information  and daily news. On the other hand, because the team of Mark Zuckerberg  (billionaire founder of social network) wants to maintaining maximum process your place to prevent finished saying final goodbye. But leave can be very easy if you clear each and every step. We recommend the following:

1)  Access your account from  Facebook  by entering your username and password.
2)  Once inside, click on the  gear  you'll find top and giving access to the service configuration. Next, you will have the option to click on  Account Settings  you see highlighted in blue in the image.
Down Facebook 01
3)  As you can see,  Facebook  does not put anything easy. You will not find a single indication on the way to help you formalize the floor. Inside page  has general settings  have to click on the link  Security , located at the top of the column.
Down Facebook 02
4)  In this section there are many options to configure, but at the bottom blue link indicates  Deactivate your account . Here is hidden the first step to make downward  Facebook .  Just enter this section, you indicate the system will ask why you want to deactivate your account and you could remind your friends miss you.
In fact, the only option is to disable your account to let her sleep or  standby  if one day you want her back.At the bottom of this page you will find a form that  Facebook asks you to indicate why you want to deactivate your account on Facebook . Here you can select any of the options or further explain what moved you to make that decision. You can also choose if you want to receive emails from  Facebook .
When you have disabled your account,  your profile will be removed and no one can find you .However, some information will still be visible (your name on your list of friends) and messages you've sent to your contacts.
Down Facebook 03
5)  But what if I want to  permanently unsubscribe ?, you ask. Well, the truth is that it is very difficult to find this option in the  context of Facebook . However, if your intention is to permanently delete your account, we recommend you access this  direct link we provide  and you will root out any connection that you had with this social network.
Down Facebook 04
The data added during this time  will be deleted permanently . In fact, the photos should disappear servers  Facebook  for up to  30 days , and you've all activity conducted through this system. To delete your account  you can not turn it back on with the same data  or recover anything that had posted.

Create your own cover photos for your bio on Facebook

If you are tired of seeing the same image, and none of the various  sites to create cover photos for your biography in Faceboo k  leaves you satisfied, you can create your own cover photo . You only need to have an original image, which you can take with your webcam, cell phone or portable digital camera.

An original cover photo will help to give you an even more personalized touch to your bio on Facebook . The following steps will guide you to create your new cover image.
  1. Choose the photo you want to use for the cover of your biography
    Find a picture you like and you have saved on the hard drive of your computer. It may be that you have stored in the My Documents or My Pictures. Or if you sent it to a person you know, may still be in one of the emails you have received. And if you have any, take one using your mobile phone, webcam or digital camera.  No
    you download internet pictures that belong to other people , and you're exposing potential legal problems that could potentially cost you a lot of money.
    Once you select the picture you want to use, save it to your computer desktop for easier you find it again in the next step.
  2. Edit your cover photo
    Digital cameras that exist today, and even cell phones, are able to take digital photos at a very high resolution. This means you are able to create large images. These sizes are ideal if you want to print, but do not play in your favor if you want to use as your cover, because Facebook will reduce its size automatically, ruining what could be a very good cover shot.
    To address this potential problem, I recommend that you edit your photos yourself. If you do not have a photo editing program such as  Adobe Photoshop ,  Paint Shop Pro  or similar, do not worry. You can use a free editing program and online, which allows you to use the features you need to create your cover. I recommend you try using the web application called  Pixlr . A second alternative is the application  LunaPic .
    Upload your photo in one of these programs. Remember to use the photo you chose and you saved on the desktop of your computer.
  3. Measures your photo
    The  exact extent of the cover photos on Facebook  is 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. That is,  851 x 315 .
    Following these measures, crop the image you want to use to fit them. Use the Crop tool or  Crop , or just create a new image with these measures and paste on it a new layer that contains the photo you want to use.
    When you set the picture measures you will use, save it on the desktop of your computer using a name that is easy to identify.
  4. Upload your new photo to Facebook Cover
    It's time to get your new cover, and this process is very similar to  upload a photo to Facebook . The most direct and simple way to change your current carried by the new photo you've created is:
    • Visit your timeline on Facebook.
    • Place the pointer of your  mouse  over your current cover photo.
    • When you see the button  Change cover  click on it.
    • Choose the option  Upload a photo .
    • Select the photo you created and click  Open .
    • Facebook will show you how it is. If your image allows, you can move it to fit.
    • When you're ready, click Obre  Save Changes . If you change your mind, click on  Cancel .
  5. You've created your new cover photo
    I have a new cover photo, completely original and you've created yourself. If you are unhappy with it, repeat these steps to create a new, this time using a different image. Or if you want you can try the same but adding text or different details about it.
    And if you still think you have no good pictures for a cover photo, the solution may be closer than you think. If you have a cell phone camera

How to delete and remove tags on Facebook

An easy way to control your privacy and the way you appear represented in this network is to learn  how to remove tags on Facebook . This way when a friend upload a photo and tag you in it, you can delete your name easily. Doing this will prevent the image appears in your biography, see your own contacts and appears in the search results of your name. 

Learning to control the tags in Facebook will help you present yourself in a better way when you make a new friend in this network social. We also work if you're looking for a partner and even if you're applying for a job.And above all things, will help you control your privacy and security.

1. Find the photo where you've been tagged

© Fernando Escudero
The easiest way to find all those pictures where you've been visiting your biography labeling is on Facebook. This will avoid having to review the profiles of those friends who have included your name on your photos.
Click on your name on the page that shows you the latest news from your contacts.This takes you to your biography. When you're there, click on the section of  photos that is located under lafoto cover of your biography.

Two. Photos of you labeling

© Fernando Escudero
You will see different sections with photos now. The first, called  Pictures that show up, is where you organize those images that others have uploaded to their own biographies and where you've been tagged. The next two sections,  photos  and albums , containing those images that you have taken and organized. Note that you could have labeled yourself in them.
As you most likely want to delete tags on the pictures that others have posted, it is advisable to start reviewing Section  Pictures that show up . Click on it then.

Three. Photos in detail

© Fernando Escudero
Facebook will show all those pictures where others have included a label with your name. Choose one of them to see it bigger. If they are many, beginning with those that please you less.
To remove the label with your name, click on the menu options  listed under the photo.Facebook then will show a popup menu. Now you can remove the label by clicking on the option  Report / Remove Tag .

April. Choose the right option

© Fernando Escudero
When clicked, Facebook will show a popup window asking why you chose this.  want desetiquetarme  will help you remove your name tag. Choose it and then click on the button  Continue .
The second alternative, called  I want to delete this photo of Facebook , will serve to report a photo for various reasons, so if you choose this option you will be prompted Facebook details. This is a very useful tool if you want to report someone who is harassing you and think you're being bullied on Facebook.

May. You removed the label

© Fernando Escudero
After clicking on Continue, Facebook will display a message confirming your action. We also recall that, although the name tag has been removed, this will continue to exist on Facebook. You can delete this photo from Facebook or ask who originally came to do it for you.

June. Bonus tip

A simple method to control the images and updates where you are labeling is reviewing that content ahead, before your name tag is visible. To achieve this you must first enable the option that allows you to check the labels with your name before they appear on Facebook.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Facebook will allow users to share their information publicly teens

Before users to modify the privacy of your updates will be trained to "understand the implications that that implies."

Although teenagers publish the content, its activity will not appear in the search engines.
 The teenager will receive a reminder of who can see what you post and may decide to share it with your friends or with a wider audience.

Facebook announced Wednesday that will allow users to share content publicly adolescents, so that anyone can access publications they rise to the social network. Until now, Facebook users under 18 could only share content with your friends and contacts of his friends, but his hearing may be universal if they so choose.

 Before that users choose to modify the privacy of your updates will be trained on privacy that will provide the social network itself to "understand the implications that this entails" and make a "informed decision." 

Before users to modify the privacy of your information to receive updates to "understand the implications" "Using conducting internet adolescents in general is very very different to what it was when he started Facebook", explained in an interview the director of public affairs for the social network in Spain, Natalia Basterrechea.

 Once accepted the change to share content publicly, the teen will receive a reminder of who can see them. In addition, you can decide on a new action if the shares exclusively with friends or with a wider audience.

 Facebook gives a turn to use policy relating to adolescence in an emergency context of different social networks that appeal to children: Snapchat, Twitter or Instagram are some of them. Even LinkedIn, for professionals, has lowered the entry age of its members from 18 to 14. 

The American Center Pew Research studies indicated a few weeks ago that the use of social networking by teenagers is diversifying and the relations of these with Facebook is "complicated". Basterrechea has indicated that Facebook has detected a "growing demand by users" to share their posts publicly. 

"This move is in line with other services that teens can use today and is evidenced by the fact that some of them are public voices on other platforms and are involved in civil society issues and activism" acknowledged the directive.

To support this thesis has cited a study by EU Kids Online which shows that 26% of children have public profiles on social networks and that this generation has a very deep knowledge of privacy tools they can use in them. 

Although teenagers publish the content, its activity will not appear in the search engines. Another change introduced today in the social network is that the privacy settings of the accounts will default under more restrictive: in principle its content will only be accessible to your contacts, not the friends of their friends as usual. 

"For our part we want to provide the education necessary to carry out those choices in an informed manner," he argued Basterrechea.

The 10 symptoms of social networking addicts

The fact that you normally use active profiles on  Facebook, Twitter, Tuenti, MySpace or YouTube,  does not make you think you're a social media addict, maybe these habits díez absolutely hooked on social networks defined Jeff Bullas give you an idea of what your state. Check it out and respond with sincerity then:  How many of the 10 points you see yourself? 

Here are the 10 symptoms: 

1. - I forgot you leave the iPhone at home and you feel lost, isolated from the world ... because you can not check the Facebook and Twitter updates on the go, at work, in the office ... 

2. - You check your Facebook account about 20 times a day. 

3. - If you do not receive a comment on the last post I just posted on your Blog in less than 12 hours, and your readers think you have left and start to ask yourself suicide ...

4. - You refuse to go weekend without take your laptop. 5. - You have more icons on your social networks iPhone productivity applications.

6. - You bought an iPad-making even tail the day they went on sale, and only use it to update Facebook from a larger screen than the phone when you are away from home. July. - You have more friends online than in real life.

8. - Tuiteas from the phone while you're walking. 

9. - You connect to Facebook even before brushing your teeth in the morning. 10. - You check the latest updates on Facebook and Twitter right from the bed, before going to

Facehawk turns your Facebook wall in a music video


There are many ways to be  assertive , some more productive than others. So understand  Big Data , a duo of electronic music  that has built a personal experience for their last song, Dangerous . And in she reviews the current technology emphasizing issues of privacy and security  in which is immersed  the United States  and  the National Security Agency  (NSA are its acronym in English). This provides users of  Facebook  cede their wall, pictures and comments and create a  visual content  very interesting.

Experience proposal called  Facehawk , and is a clear reference to U.S. surveillance on users' personal information from  social network  's busiest time. All this through a  3D music video  in which images, contacts, comments, and other parts of Facebook  are decomposed and recomposed to create a new shape feature, very typical of the United States of America . This enjoying the song  Dangerous  in this group and with some extra animations.

All you have to do is access the  website Facehawk Experience  and enter the user data of  social network Facebook . After that touches give a somewhat controversial step. And is that the user must give  permission  for the website to access a  lot of user profile information from your images to your location, through contacts, states, workplaces, etc.. And is that video displays all the contents of the social network . Somewhat controversial, as we say, it is precisely the criticism that performs this song, but it should not pose any problem for the user, since it is a requirement to display all the elements and create this music video or audio-visual experience.

After that just have to wait a short period of time not to exceed two minutes while the video is prepared.When finished loading it starts playing, showing the breakdown of user page  Facebook  to regroup later in a new way, giving importance during the process some of the  images and status updates  of the user.Something that may be useful to review the life in this social network and remember some moments.
Certainly a new and  attractive way of promoting a song , involving users directly from most  staff , your Facebook profile, and reviewing one of the most publicized and notorious cases of recent times. In short, a neat experience  for those who enjoy the  electronic music  and are willing to give an overview of its wall of  Facebook with this nifty tool. The  Experience Facehawk  not involve any cost and  does not share the final video of the user , but has buttons to  share  and publicize this song via  Facebook  and Twitter .